SEMINAR ON SMART DUST : The current state of technology with emphasis on automation and miniaturization. Decreases the size of a calculating device, increasing connectivity and interaction with the physical world have
Characterized the history of computing. Recently, the popularity of the small computing devices such as laptops and mobile phones; quickly burgeoning Internet group and decreased size and cost of sensors and in particular, have accelerated the transistors on these strengths. Emergence
computing elements with small random connections, and increase the interaction with the environment, provide opportunities to enrich transform the interaction between humans and computers and encourage all investigates computing.
Smart dust is a small electronic devices to describe the mountains information about their surroundings while literally floating on air. Today, sensors, computers and communication devices are shrinking to ridiculously small. If all these elements are packed into a small unit
may open new dimensions in the field of communications. The idea behind smart dust is to pack sophisticated sensors, tiny computer and wireless communication in a cubic millimeter, and Mote
basis of an integrated approach, massively distributed sensor networks. The be light enough to remain airborne for hours. As sensors drifting in the wind, which can monitor the environment of light, sound, temperature, chemical composition and other information and a beam the information back to the base station, the head.

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