SEMINAR ON ADAPTIVE PARTITION SCHEDULER : Adaptive partitioning scheduler is a relatively new type of partition scheduler, the pioneer of the new version of the operating system QNX. Adaptive Partitioning (AP) provides the system designer in real time by asking for a percentage of processing resources devoted to a specific subsystem (group of son and / or process). Operating system provided for preemptive scheduler based on the priorities will behave the same way as a non-AP would be, until the system is overloaded (ie the whole system is to calculate that the processor is able to maintain over time). During congestion, forcing planners AP limits on the total driving time for sub-systems within a partition (as dictated by the share of the CPU bandwidth for this partition).
If the system is overloaded, a score assigned to (eg) 10% of the bandwidth of the processor, in fact, use more than 10%, as it will be on loan to other partitions replacement budget (but must pay below). This is very useful for sub-systems in real time, not that the variable charge of the experiment, since these sub-systems can use the partition of real-time alternative budget to make more progress before that a programmer fixed partition, such as ARINC-653, but does not affect hard disk subsystems in real time as possible.

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