
SEMINAR ON JPEG2000 : JPEG 2000 is definitely the next standard for image compression technology. It offers several advantages over current methods of compressing, including the ability to do both loss less and lossy compression, the ability to get a superior image quality and high compression ratio, and the ability to see the same file in different resolutions. It also allows you to examined more closely using its region of interest capability on particular area of the image.
JPEG 2000 uses wavelet technology to compress images, and this led to compress images more efficiently with fewer errors than previous methods introduced. Currently, JPEG 2000 uses one wavelet for lossy compression and the another wavelet for loss less compression, but in the future other wavelets can be used when necessary. There are many applications where JPEG 2000 can be used, including the Internet, medical imaging, and digital photography. In general, JPEG 2000 is a vast improvement over current methods of compression and seems to be the standard for image compression in the near future after

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