SEMINAR ON INTRUSION DETECTION : In the past three years, the revolution has finally arrived networking of age. Today more than ever, we find that the Internet is changing computing as we know it. Opportunities and The possibilities are endless, unfortunately, the risks and chances of malicious intrusions. It 's very important that the security mechanisms of the system designed to prevent unauthorized system access resources and data. However, completely prevent the abuses Security currently appears unrealistic. However, we can try to to detect intrusion attempts so that action can be taken repair the damage later. This research is called Intrusion Detection. Anderson, while introducing the concept of intrusion detection 1980, defines the intrusion attempt or threaten to potential possibility of a deliberate attempt unauthorized
 access to information,
 manipulate information, or
 make a system unreliable or unusable.
Since then, several techniques for intrusion detection have studied. This article explains why intrusion detection systems are needs, the main techniques, existing research in this area and
possible future directions for research.

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