SEMINAR ON ATM NETWORKS : In recent years, information has reached an almost exponential growth in terms of performance, so that the development of communications could not keep up. If the performance of the processor and the memory capacity of computers has increased over the last ten years with an amount equal to one hundred, long-distance network transmission speeds have increased "only" a factor of ten, and local area networks remained the same .
ATM is a recognized standard worldwide, providing for the first time a universal method of exchanging information, regardless of the final system and the type of information (data, audio, video).The architecture of ATM (53 byte cells) supports the development of massive parallel architectures and communication allows the implementation of networks with transfer rates of gigabits area. With broadband networks, it is possible to send large amounts of data generated by the latest applications (video messaging, interactive television, virtual reality, etc.)
ATM is suitable for local area networks and wide area networks. ATM capacity to replicate a traditional LAN and WAN architectures to ensure a smooth transition from the existing data network infrastructure, ATM-based high-speed technology.
Intense development efforts all the major manufacturers of data communication systems in ATM / B-ISDN reflects the strategic importance for industry in this new transmission technology. ATM is increasingly adopted as a strategic key technology for data communication throughout the industry today.
ATM offers the possibility of designing networks for transmission speeds up to physical limits. ATM networks with bandwidths approaching the bandwidth of light (30 terahertz) is conceivable and ATM switches for handling up to 1 Tbit / s has already been demonstrated in research laboratories. ATM can be close to the final mechanism traffic transmission.

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